The background
At the end of 2019, the Management Board of Swissmedic came to the conclusion that the isolated and poorly coordinated efforts to cover all the aspects of digital transformation and exploit the resulting opportunities were falling short of the target. An integrated approach was needed – a project group evaluated various options and devised a proposal on how to proceed. An independent, agile organisational unit was formed. Alexander Horst and Dominic Michel are part of the five-strong team. Since the end of last year, the two Swissmedic employees have been driving the digital initiative forward. "There is no specific phased plan. We adopt an iterative strategy and proceed according to the trial-and-error principle ", observes Alexander Horst. And Dominic Michel adds: "This rolling planning requires great flexibility – which is both exciting and challenging."
“We proceed according to the trial-and-error principle”
Alexander Horst
Initial phase
The digital initiative is still in its early stages. A key focus of this phase is on the integration of employees in the processes. "We try to keep people informed about our work at regular intervals and through various channels – for example by allowing the staff to take part in the transformation process", explains Alexander Horst. "Change processes always trigger anxiety and resistance. But I am confident that we can enthuse people with an open and communicative approach towards the chances and opportunities offered by the digital initiative", adds Dominic Michel. In times of corona, personal interaction loses out. Planned workshops, specialist presentations and lectures have had to be postponed or cancelled. "But for us this has been an opportunity to raise the awareness of staff about new opportunities for cooperation and communication," notes Alexander Horst on looking back.