ATMP category
"Innovative ATMP treatments are attracting considerable attention. Not only from scientists and patients, but also from the business world. Numerous incubators*, start-ups and small and medium-sized companies are launching research and development projects in this area. As a regulator and supervisory authority, we want to promote innovations in the therapeutic products sector. At the start of the year, Swissmedic therefore set up a separate division for ATMPs, because their assessment requires specialist knowledge. We are expanding our existing skills in this area so that we can then offer our support to researchers and companies even in early development phases. Our general objective is to learn about, and be able to assess, these medicinal products and their technologies at an early stage, without waiting until an application for authorisation is submitted. If we learn about a product already in the clinical trials phase or in connection with inspections, it makes the assessment in an authorisation procedure simpler and more efficient." * Incubators are organisations that help entrepreneurs in the process of starting a company.
Inventive spirit
"We note that the field of novel treatments involves an active scene of innovative start-ups and small companies that are unable to make progress with their ideas for, in some cases, pioneering medicines. This is often due to regulatory weaknesses. Licensing and authorisation processes are very demanding . That is how it should be and is designed to protect the health of people and animals. But in future, we would like to increasingly approach the companies at an early stage and enable them to avoid making mistakes that might otherwise cause promising treatments to fail due to lack of data or failure to comply with legal requirements. In doing so, we want to promote the inventive spirit in universities, in companies and wherever innovations arise."
Pioneering role
"We want to create an innovation-promoting framework and consciously take on a new role in which we make it easier for small companies and start-ups also to access our knowledge and experience. The law can delay innovation. Because for many new technologies, the appropriate regulation is still lacking. As an internationally recognised and extensively networked authority, we are familiar with the legal framework. We can actively make an important contribution here by making our knowledge available and showing what requirements need to be fulfilled for a licence to be granted or an application approved. Patients should not have to wait for a law to be passed."