Highlighted Facts and Figures
Number of employees in the Veterinary Medicinal Products Division before the transfer of responsibility for immunological veterinary medicinal products from the IVI to Swissmedic: 12 After the transfer:
47 human medicinal products with new active substances were authorised in 2022, including 1 antibiotic.
Swissmedic carried out inspections at 35 hospitals in 2021 and 2022.
27 batch recalls had to be performed in 2022.
6 5 employees in the Medical Devices Operations & Hospitals Division carry out inspections. Together, they speak 6 languages (German, French, Italian, English, Spanish and Arabic).
117 immunological veterinary medicinal products (vaccines, immunomodulators) are authorised in Switzerland.
In 2022, Swissmedic received 924 reports of quality defects. 721 of these affected Switzerland.