Clinical trials on medicinal products

This site and the enclosed links contain useful information for sponsors, investigators or research institutions conducting clinical trials with medicinal products in Switzerland. It provides clarifications concerning the submission of trial documentation and gives information about different aspects of the clinical trial process, with references to other relevant documents and useful internet sites.

The Clinical Trials Ordinance (ClinO, SR 810.305), implemented on 01.01.2014, introduces a clear division in responsibilities between Swissmedic and the Ethics Committees. To find more information about aspects of clinical trials that fall under the competence of the Ethics Committees (e.g. insurance), please refer to

Even though the information in this website is regularly updated, it is possible that it is not exhaustive. Swiss legislation and international standards, such as the Clinical Trials Ordinance (ClinO, SR 810.305), and the current versions of the ICH-GCP E6 and the Declaration of Helsinki always prevail in case of doubt or conflict.

Inhouse News


Position paper by Swissmedic and swissethics on clinical trials with medicinal products examined for the first time in humans

During clinical trials with medicinal products in early development phases (i.e. first in human application, early phase I studies) new investigational medicinal products are examined for the first time in humans. Initial insights are hereby collected on their tolerability and safety. To ensure the protection of the trial participants to the greatest extent possible, special aspects have to be considered during the planning and conduct of such clinical trials by the sponsors and participating clinical trial centres. Swissmedic and swissethics have summarised these aspects in a position paper.


Combined studies: New forms and a new information sheet for submissions to Swissmedic

A clinical trial of medicinal products/advanced therapy medicinal products may be conducted in parallel with a clinical investigation of medical devices / an interventional performance study of in vitro diagnostics. In this case, requirements for the different types of research apply in full. 

New forms and a new information sheet are now available to facilitate submissions to Swissmedic. Please also see our new website on combined studies:


For academic clinical trials without commercial third-party funding, a fee reduction in accordance with Art. 12 FeeO-Swissmedic may be requested as of 1 July 2024

Sponsors of clinical trials with medicinal products, medical devices and novel therapies that are not financed by commercial third-party funding now have the opportunity to apply for a fee reduction. Further information and application: Submission of applications



No confirmation of receipt for reportings

For notifications (Reportings) submitted on paper (not via the KLV portal), Swissmedic will no longer send acknowledgements of receipt with immediate effect. Acknowledgement of the notification will continue to be confirmed by letter on completion of processing.


Applications for clinical trials with medicinal products and ATMPs (advanced therapy medicinal products) can be submitted via portal from 19 June 2023

The development of the new eGov portal function for electronic submission of applications for clinical trials with medicinal products and ATMPs is in its final phase. The new application is currently being tested with selected participants in a pilot phase. From 19 June 2023, the new portal for clinical trials with medicinal products and ATMPs will be available to all sponsors, investigators, research institutions and their contractual partners for fully electronic submission of applications. Further information will be provided here.

Please note that a new version of the form (V2) together with the Quick Instruction have also been published on Swissmedic website. We kindly ask you from now on to use version 2 of the form.


Position paper by Swissmedic and swissethics on decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) with medicinal products

The development of novel technologies and digitalization in the field of therapeutic products offers new opportunities. Through the use of these technologies in clinical trials, it is possible that study visits do not always have to be carried out in the hospital, but can also take place at home. In this context, innovative technologies allow health-related data to be digitally recorded and transmitted via devices worn on the body. These special features and other aspects play an essential role in so-called decentralized clinical trials (DCTs).

This development poses new challenges for all those involved. In a position paper, Swissmedic and swissethics have summarized the main current challenges of DCTs with medicinal products and show under which conditions such clinical trials could be conducted in Switzerland. The paper is addressed to researchers and sponsors as well as all those interested in clinical research.