Swissmedic issues warning about the illegal medicinal product "Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution

"Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution is not approved for distribution in Switzerland and must not be sold or used


Based on its composition and form of administration (injection), the cross-agency Expert Panel for Delimitation Questions has classified "Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution as a medicinal product. As it has not been approved in Switzerland, the preparation may not be placed on the market here and must not be used. Swissmedic expressly advises against using this product. No medicinal effect has been scientifically proven. Moreover, none on the declared ingredients could be detected by the Swissmedic laboratory in the samples of “Lemon Bottle” lipolysis solution obtained from various sources.

Swissmedic has recently been receiving an increasing number of enquiries about "Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution. This product is advertised on the internet and in social media for fat reduction in problem areas. According to the information on the package and on the internet, the preparation allegedly contains primarily bromelain, lecithin and riboflavin, in addition to a number of natural ingredients.

False declaration of ingredients
The official Swissmedic laboratory has analysed product samples from various sources and found that the ingredients do not match the declaration and even vary greatly from one pack to another. Thus in one sample the only substance found was caffeine, while in another none of the ingredients listed on the packaging could be detected. These products can therefore be regarded as falsifications.

Product samples of “Lemon Bottle” lipolysis solution analysed in the official Swissmedic laboratory

«Lemon Bottle» Lipolyse-Lösung, im Swissmedic-Labor analysiertes Produktmuster
“Lemon Bottle” lipolysis solution, product sample analysed in the official Swissmedic laboratory
Muster von «Lemon Bottle» Lipolyse-Lösung, im Swissmedic-Labor analysiert. Die deklarierten Inhaltsstoffe fehlten.
Sample of “Lemon Bottle” lipolysis solution analysed in the official Swissmedic laboratory. None of the ingredients listed on the packaging could be detected.

Injectable pharmacological preparations are medicinal products subject to authorisation
Products for injection fall under the law on therapeutic products, regardless of how deeply they are injected into the skin. Because of this form of administration (injection), they must not be marketed as cosmetics.

Based on the form of administration and the ingredients, the cross-agency Expert Panel for Delimitation Questions (FOPH, FSVO, the Association of Cantonal Pharmacists [KAV], the Association of Swiss Cantonal Chemists [VKCS] and Swissmedic) classifies "Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution as a medicinal product. The distribution, dispensing and use of this product are thus subject to the provisions of the law on therapeutic products. Since "Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution is currently not authorised as a medicinal product, it is not marketable in Switzerland and may not be sold, dispensed or used. The competent authorities may seize illegal medicinal products and institute further measures.

Swissmedic expressly warns against using "Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution. No medicinal effect has been scientifically proven, the quality of the ingredients has not been tested and using the product may therefore pose a health risk. If you have "Lemon Bottle" lipolysis solution at home, do not use it but ensure that it is properly disposed of.

Addendum from 25 June 2024

Important information from the distributor SID Medicos in Korea

The distributor SID Medicos, Seoul, Korea, wishes to point out that it was unable to verify that the product samples that Swissmedic received are original products. In addition, SID Medicos emphasises that the original Lemon Bottle Ampoule solution is exclusively for external use as a cosmetic and not intended for lipolysis or injection.

The original product includes a package leaflet and has the following note on the packaging (“cosmetic product; for external use”):



Products labelled with the name “Lemon Bottle” that are intended for injection are still considered to be a medicinal product. Distribution and dispensing are not permitted in Switzerland without authorisation from Swissmedic.

See also

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