Swissmedic aims for regular dialogue on issues related to medical device regulation with medical technology stakeholders. The meetings are intended to enable the parties to exchange information and raise issues in order to be able to respond promptly and appropriately to regulatory and technical signals as necessary.
Swissmedic established the Round Table on Medical Technology (RTMT) to this end in May 2019. Direct exchange with association representatives has since proven its value and will therefore be continued. It promotes mutual understanding of guidelines and concerns and ensures regulatory, process-related and technical changes can be planned and implemented efficiently.
Based on the stakeholder map defined by Swissmedic (national collaboration), the Round Table on Medical Technology comprises representatives from the medical technology industry and healthcare institutions, professionals and Swissmedic representatives.
Representation from stakeholder groups
Importance is attached to balanced representation of the stakeholder groups in the composition of the Round Table. Interested associations/organisations can apply to participate in the RTMT using the application for nomination form.