Highlighted Facts & Figures
In 2023, Swissmedic received around 700 reports of adverse drug reactions directly from patients, 2100 directly from professionals and 12500 reports from companies (both initial and follow-up reports).
4 people work in Haemovigilance and handle around 5,100 reports (2023) of serious incidents involving blood products.
In 2023, Swissmedic and the regional inspectorates carried out 532 GMP/GDP inspections in Switzerland.
In 2023 19 employees in MDV took 17040 hours to process a total of 5,300 reports from companies and healthcare institutions on serious incidents and 577 field safety corrective actions involving medical devices.
The documentation submitted on the quality of a medicinal product for a new authorisation can total several 1000 pages.
The management team of the Quality Assessment Division meets weekly to respond to the some 250 complex enquiries per year on the quality and stability of medicinal products.

In 2023, Swissmedic’s Innovation Office provided regulatory and scientific support to 35 start-ups and researchers in the area of innovative products, and held a further 34 meetings with applicants.