Establishment licence holder

Swissmedic issues establishment licences according to the Therapeutic Products Act (TPA, SR 812.21) and the Medicinal Products Licensing Ordinance (MPLO, SR 812.212.1)

Establishment licences are issued for medicinal products including blood and labile blood products.

This list does not include facilities that possess a cantonal licence for the storage of blood or blood products.

Legal basis

According to Articles 5, 18, 28 and 34 of the Therapeutic Products Act (TPA, SR 812.21), companies that

  • manufacture or trade in medicinal products
  • perform brokerage or agency activities for medicinal products

must possess an establishment licence issued by Swissmedic (blood and blood products are also considered to be medicinal products).

Those who draw blood from persons in order to use or forward it for transfusions or for the manufacture of therapeutic products require an establishment licence from Swissmedic (Art. 34 para. 1 TPA).

However, companies that only store blood or blood products require an establishment licence from the canton (Art. 34 para. 4 TPA).

Company names and registered offices

The company names and addresses that appear in this list are those entered in the Commercial Register (if such an entry exists). The establishment licences are always issued to the legal entity stated in the Commercial Register.

Date of validity of establishment licences

Swissmedic issues establishment licences for an unlimited duration, with few exceptions.

Verification of validity

Suppliers and customers must check their business partners' establishment licences. In general the approved establishment licence applies.

It is also possible to check establishment licences using the SwissGMDP database

List of establishment licences

All establishment licence holders can be found in the SwissGMDP database.

A list of establishment licence holders can also be generated there. See


If you notice a mistake in the list, please write to:

Inspectorate and Licenses
Hallerstrasse 7
3012 Bern