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Changes to the Guidance document Authorisation of herbal medicinal products

Content-related clarifications, additions and restructuring of the entire Guidance document


Supposedly herbal products

Swissmedic is issuing an urgent warning regarding slimming products and other supposedly natural products


Optimisation of labelling phase for human medicinal products

Swissmedic is optimising the labelling phase: text review letters should be avoided where possible and the Swissmedic time limits are being shortened


Changes to the form Information for application Art. 13 TPA

The previous form Information for application Art. 13 TPA has been divided into two forms: one specifically for veterinary medicinal products and the other for human medicinal products


Election of the members of the Swissmedic Medicines Expert Committees

Election and re-election of our external experts for the new period of office 2025–2028

Articles that you cannot find under “Latest news” can be accessed in the Archive: Archive