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Simplification of requirements for renewed authorisation of medicinal products

Swissmedic has simplified the requirements for renewed authorisation of medicinal products


Products containing essential oils

Products containing essential oils may be sold as medicinal products, medical devices, chemicals or biocides, or in electronic cigarettes, cosmetics and foodstuffs, and can be marketed in Switzerland only if certain requirements are met.
The new fact-sheet of the Expert Panel for Delimitation Questions will help you.


Changes to the Guidance document Variations and extensions HAM

Simplification of rules on issuing new packaging codes and elimination of subsumption of fees for multiple applications


Changes to the Guidance document Meetings for applicants for authorisation procedures

Preliminary Decision Clarification Meeting introduced as a pilot


Changes to the Guidance document Temporary authorisation of human medicinal products

Swissmedic clarifies the scope for temporary authorisations of human medicinal products

Articles that you cannot find under “Latest news” can be accessed in the Archive: Archive