Employees from the Complementary and Herbal Medicines division and Swissmedic share their expertise in speaking engagements at information events and in lectures. The events presented by employees from the division are announced shortly beforehand.

Nebst den Behördenvertretern von BfArM und AGES haben mehr als 100 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus den DACH-Regionen am 3-tägigen Symposium teilgenommen.
Es wurden unter anderem Themen in den Bereichen Stoffliche Medizinprodukte, Registrierung/Zulassung, Kontaminanten und medizinischer Cannabis besprochen. Zudem fanden zwei spannende Workshops statt.
«Regulatory & Beyond» 2022 – Presentations CHM
We would like to thank you for your interest in the topics of CHCM and for your visit on “Regulatory & Beyond 2022” on Tuesday, 20 September 2022.
As promised we would like to provide you with our presentations:
Further publications of Swissmedic can be found at:
An overview of the Swissmedic events can be found here:
Past events and associated documentation can be found in the Archive:
Past Events, presentations
We are happy to provide speakers for speaking engagements. Please send your request in writing to