The following items can be sent by email to
- Tabular listings of reportable serious adverse events and device deficiencies according to European reporting formats.
- Communications with no documents attached, e.g. for extension of deadlines, coordination needs, various questions.
In all other cases, you must follow the eGov submission procedures. In order for your submission to be handled correctly, standardised forms and a standardised folder structure are necessary and must always be used. Electronic submissions consist of three steps:
(1) Prepare the standardised form and download the standardised folder structure
To prepare a submission, choose and fill in the correct form and download the standardised folder structure.
(2) Generate an eDok
Copy the form, an accompanying letter if needed and every document into the correct folder. Your files should be in pdf or Excel format. Zip the whole structure (the standardised folders with all your files). This is called an “eDok”. One eDok includes one entire submission. In rare cases of errors due to size overload, you can split the submission (two eDoks for one submission).
(3) Submit the eDok
Send eDoks for clinical trials of devices to Swissmedic via the Swissmedic Portal eMessage ( Swissmedic also runs a second portal, eSubmission, which cannot be used for devices.