Transformation of Swissmedic platforms TSP


Swissmedic is working on the next digitalisation step and over the next few years will build a digital corporate solution for core processes relating to approvals, authorisation and market surveillance. The aim is to simplify processes, to make data management faster and more targeted, to achieve fewer media discontinuities (i.e. switch of working medium such as manual entry of information previously entered on forms) and, with good user management, to provide more information on regulatory processes. In future, it will be possible to process information more easily with data-centric working. Knowledge of therapeutic products and innovations can thus be made more usable, both inside and outside the organisation.

This digital transformation also corresponds to the strategic objectives of the period 2023-2026 at Swissmedic. The new platforms, which will be created in stages, will facilitate work-related exchanges with Swissmedic for a range of stakeholders: Companies and applicants can enter data and information themselves in a structured manner. It will no longer be necessary to complete and submit Word or PDF forms. In addition, the once-only principle will ensure that data need only be entered once. Communication relating to a business case will be increasingly handled via this platform and will thus be better protected.

In order to identify stakeholders’ needs and incorporate them into considerations regarding the structure of the new platforms and user experience, Swissmedic has entered into a dialogue with the companies, partner authorities and associations, and is establishing various working groups with experts from industry and the healthcare sector. If you have questions, please contact

We will publish additional information on this website on an ongoing basis.