Swissmedic Portal support information
General information
Please note that the Swissmedic Portal system will undergo routine weekly maintenance from 6 p.m. on Wednesday evenings until 6 a.m. on Thursday mornings. During this time, the Swissmedic Portal may only have limited availability or be unavailable depending on the type of maintenance. The precise maintenance times will be announced in advance in the system.
To avoid loss of data, please save all important information in good time before the start of maintenance.
Please use the form below for your support request.
The more detail you can provide about your query or problem, the better we will be able to understand the situation and provide targeted assistance. Please support us by attaching relevant screenshots and sharing your profile information and the product version used with us.
We will be happy to deal with your request.
You will receive confirmation of your request by e-mail for reference.