RMP summaries

The Risk Management Plans (RMPs) are comprehensive documents submitted as part of the application dossiers for market approval of medicinal products. The RMP summaries contain information on the medicinal products′ safety profiles and explain the measures that are taken in order to further investigate and follow the risks as well as to prevent or minimise them.

The RMP summaries published are concise documents and do not claim to be exhaustive. As the RMPs are international documents, their summaries might differ from the content in the product information («Arzneimittelinformation») approved and published in Switzerland, e.g. by mentioning risks occurring in populations or indications not included in the Swiss authorisations. Please note that the reference documents, which are valid and relevant for the effective and safe use of medicinal products in Switzerland, are the «Arzneimittelinformationen» (see www.swissmedicinfo.ch) approved and authorised by Swissmedic.

The Marketing Authorisation Holders are responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the content of the here published RMP summaries.


Sorted by active substance

A - C

D - F

G - K

L - N

O - R

S - U


Sorted by product name

A - C

D - F

G - K

L - N

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S - U

V - Z

Last modification 04.03.2025

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